As Berry Grows

Thursday, October 12, 2006

I know... I've left you hanging!

Well Arden just turned 7 months old on the 11th!!! I can't believe how quickly time has flown. She is doing so much now. She is sitting up and eataing solid foods. She is finally trying to crawl. She loves standing and stretching her legs. I speak to her in Spanish occasionally (I really should do it more). She gives me kisses when I ask in both English and Spanish (if she is in the mood). Arden really is a great baby. She is so happy all the time and a joy to be around. Her name truly fits her. Arden meaning "burning with enthusiasm" is really fitting. She is so excited about life just as I hoped she would be!

She laughs and smiles all te time. And she is so curious about everything. Auntie C always tries to make her crawl and be mobile, but Arden and I have to remind her that she is a thinking baby more than she is a mover!! We recently went to Toronto on a looooong road trip. Arden did really well in the car considering it was a 12 hour ride (including the stops for the baby and gas). Arden got a little spoiled on that trip because I had her in the carrier the whole weekend, so now she wants to be held all the time! She is also in that phase where all she wants is mommy. She cries for me when I leave the room and even if I sit to far away from her. I can't complain. I love that she loves me!

Here are some pictures of her at 6 months. Enjoy them!


  • She is adorable! And she was really good in the car, especially when you had to get...uh...creative to stop her from crying! LOL!

    Oh and you forgot to mention she was walking!! Well, with someone holding her hands, but she was doing it!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:56 AM  

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