As Berry Grows

Monday, May 01, 2006

Trying to Catch My Breath

I am sooooo busy these days with school ending and the baby being a bit more demanding than before. I skipped week 6 because I was so busy with school work. I am, however, taking the time to update this week (week 7) in order to appease the baby blog nazi! :) I have a paper to write by Wednesday and I have yet to really get into it. Arden doesnt like to let me do much. If I am around her she wants me to pay attention to her and nothing else. I swear she knows her mommy and she knows how to get her attention! I have had to leave her with my grammy so that I can do anything productive. The night before my antitrust exam I stayed at school. I literally had to stay up for 24 + hours to learn something (and I still feel really bad about that exam, but its over now...). So that was my 1st night away from her. I felt bad about it but I had to do it because I knew far too little to go home and be sucked up into Ari world.

Well Arden is growing so fast. She is becoming such a sweet little girl with her own personality. She smiles and laughs all of the time (especially during her naps). She LOVES music and singing. I find myself singing to her in the middle of the night to put her back to sleep. She doesnt seem to mind that my voice is particularly raspy at 3am.

She is also getting very strong. She is getting more control of those flailing arms and legs and she is holding her head and back more steady by the day.

She is settling into a pattern now. She sleeps at similar times each day and she is staying awake much longer. She still doesnt sleep through the night but she usually goes to sleep at 11 or 12 midnight and wakes up at about 3 am then she sleeps again until about 6:30 am. However there are some days that she wont go to sleep and she is up until 2am before she finally settles down. Nap time is getting harder for her. She isnt so easy to settle down all of the time. She tends to fight her sleep a lot and I have to help her get into sleepy mode.

Well here are some pictures of Arden at 6 and 7 weeks:


  • I love the one with the one arm up, she is cold chillin'. I love it!

    By Blogger C-dot, at 6:18 PM  

  • I have to admit, I come here for the yummy baby shots. She is ADORABALE

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:42 PM  

  • She is so adorable. She gets cuter everytime I see her. I love her so much!

    By Blogger Cool AC, at 8:07 AM  

  • Briana, I almost forgot about As Berry Grows. I was up late tonight and wanted to touch you and Arden. Voila! The blog! I quickly did a search on my email and found the site. I won't forget it again. I put it in my favorites! My brain is getting old! I just love being a part of your lives!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:09 AM  

  • Awww she got that why is this camera in my face look in some of them...she is sooo precious

    By Blogger Ms.Honey, at 9:23 AM  

  • She's precious. Completely adorable. :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:17 AM  

  • I luff her. I miss her too. (dont wanna give her the bird flu tho!)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:53 PM  

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