As Berry Grows

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

"Always Be My Baby"

Well this little girl is just like her mommy and has impeccable taste in music! She LOVES Mariah Carey!!! I know what you are thinking, how do I know that she does...she probably cant tell the difference between songs. But I tell you that she does. I have a CD changer in my car and I listen to all different types of songs not necessarily sequentially. Whenever Mariah (my favorite singer) comes on, Arden literally dances. She is pretty much still for the other songs (although she also likes Usher and Brandy). She even livens up more for some Mariah songs more than others. Her favorites seem to be "I Am Free" from the Daydream CD (my all time favorite Mariah song), "Open Arms" from Daydream, "We Belong Together" from Emancipation of Mimi, "Dont Forget About Us" from Emancipation of Mimi, and "All I Ever Wanted" and "Music Box" from Music Box. I promise you this kid wakes up when her Mariah Jams come on! I think I will make her a mix CD of her favorites and of others that I think she will like. This is great. I can tell we will get along great! LOL. :)

In other good Berry news, I went to the doctor today for an ultrasound because my placenta was said to be low lying at my 20 week ultrasound. Basically it was covering my cervix and if it remained that way it could create complications and eventually would result in me needing a c-section. The hope was that as my uterus grew it would reposition the placenta (which is attached to the uterine wall). Well the good news is that my placenta has in fact "migrated" away from my cervix! YAY. So everything looks great.

Arden is doing well, although she is getting quite smashed! Her legs and arms are measuring long for her gestation, but her estimated weight is a little bit smaller than average. I guess she'll be long and skinny like her mommy! She weighs approx. 3 lbs 7 oz. and I am 31 1/2 weeks. I guess I will post the other things that are going on in her development this week.

  • Arden's growth in height and weight will begin to slow from here on out (but the she will still gain 2 pounds this month).
  • Her brain is still growing rapidly, making connections and learning complicated functions she will need for the rest of its life.
  • She may have a callous on her thumb from sucking on it.
  • Arden's blood is her own and does not mix with mine.


  • "I'm squarshed!" (Does she really suck her thumb? wow!)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:34 PM  

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