As Berry Grows

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

It's A .............

Well I got a call at 8 this morning from my ultrasound place that they had to cancel my appointment on Wednesday but that the technician would squeeze me in today if I could come in at 3. I am tired of waiting and I really want to get it over with, so of course I took the 3 o'clock even though it meant I missed a class.

I had to wait FOREVER at the "ghetto hospital" as my mom called it. But I finally got in there and the technician looked at Berry's heart, placenta, umbilical cord, stomach, bladder, liver, face, legs, arms, head, brain... It's amazing the things they can see even though the baby is only about 11 oz! Everything looked good.

At the end my mom (she went with me) asked him what the sex was. I had been watching him do the exam but I couldn't really identify anything. It was too hard to tell. The tech asked me what I thought it was. I told him I thought it was a girl. He said that mothers are usually right in their instincts. He couldn't say anything 100% but he is about 80% sure that Berry's a GIRL!!!!!!!!! Yay! I guessed right!. My mommy said she's known all along. She did tell me when I was about 8 weeks that it was a girl.

Alright, now we can do some shopping!!!


  • Yay! I am so excited! A girl!! Now there will be no complex for a boy being called strawberry!

    By Blogger Cool AC, at 9:06 AM  

  • :) im happy! although i was excited about a new boy name: SAXBY (as in saxby chambliss the congressman)

    lol - hes a republican tho so im fine with a girl!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:15 AM  

  • Yes now we MUST give her a name!!!!!!!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:22 AM  

  • Congratulations! Now Berry/Straw can carry that bag I got her! This is more a random comment than a name suggestion but I always thought Pasiphae is a beautiful name. Unfortunately, the story behind Pasiphae is that she was the Queen of Crete, married to King Minos, and she was made (or out of her own will) to fall in love with a bull. After having relations with the bull, she gave birth to the Minotaur which subsequently had to be fed human beings. :) Anyway, you don't want to give anyone that name b/c of the story but perhaps a variation of sorts? Actually, maybe it's too airy sounding, perhaps you need something a little stronger like Ingrid. Just some thoughts . . .

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:47 PM  

  • george - u are a trip.. how do u pronounce PASIPHAE -- is it like pacifier? only you would come up with a story like that... lol

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:15 PM  

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