As Berry Grows

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Countdown!

Hooray, I am full term now. As I write I am officially 37.5 weeks. I can definitely say that I am feeling more than ready for this to be over. I have gained more than enough weight, 28 pounds (actually its average for a pregnancy and I probably should have gained more bc I was a bit "underweight" to begin with...but it was more than enough for me.) I had only gained 1/4 of a pound last week (even though in the two previous weeks I had gained 4 pounds...double the average gain for a 2 week period!) so I think i am done with my weight gain even though the baby is still getting bigger. But I am definitely burdened by these extra pounds. I find myself out of breath when I walk up stairs. My knees ache when I go to stand up, sit down, squat... I have a very hard time getting in and out of my VERY low sports car. I cant tie my shoes and have trouble putting on socks. (Its actually quite funny to watch me try to get dressed in the morning. I should tape myself one day so I can laugh about it later. LOL. So pretty much I am in a state of chronic fatigue and it doesnt help that I have to make my way up and down several flights of steps daily at school. When I am lucky I will find a soul willing to carry my bags but often times I do it myself (sometimes I just refuse help...I guess it's my pride.) And now to add insult to injury I am all puffy all over. My ankles are HUGE. My feet seem to be close to their normal size but my ankles look like they have been badly sprained. They are so huge that my socks seem to cut off circulation. I rarely have time to elevate my feet, which I am sure doesnt help my cause. My ankles give me the most trouble when I first wake up. Every morning I roll (literally) out of bed to let the dog go outside quickly (he wakes me up every morning between 6-7 to "tinkle"). The problem is that when I get up and try to walk, the blood/fluid rushes down to my feet and ankles and I am literally in pain when I try to walk. It feels like I am walking on needles. It's awful.

So I gladly say that I am in countdown mode. Arden can come tomorrow for all I care. I am so tired and ready to have a waist again honestly. I really am hoping that she will get here before Mar 12 when my spring break starts, that way I can have an extra week at home with her, because I will only be able to take off 2 weeks from class. Everyone, send out the {{{{{{{labor vibes}}}}}}} please. Anyone have any guesses as to when she will arrive? Maybe we should start a pool.

Ok here are my 37 week stats:

By this time, the baby has developed a firm grasp, has practiced breathing, and automatically turns toward light sources! Your baby’s body becomes fuller and rounder as body fat continues to rise.

As you can see there isnt much to say about her because she is fully cooked and ready to come out!! I wish she would just hurry up!


  • Aww, Bri, I'm so sad to see that you're having a rough pregnancy in your last trimester. well, it'll be over with very soon.
    By the way, send me your phone number so that I can call you.

    P.S. I loved the pictures that you have posted. Ari's room is beautiful, and you're carrying Ari very well...with your tiny self.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:33 PM  

  • Well I guess I really cant complain because I have had a pretty easy time up until this point. The last few weeks have been rough but I guess its almost over so I will be ok.

    Rory reminded me that I havent posted pics of myself recently. (I have gotten quite a bit bigger, but I am still relatively small). I will post some pics in the next day or so. And I havent forgotten about the pic of me as a newborn, I just havent had a chance to get to the scanner!

    By Blogger bc, at 10:20 PM  

  • I feel you! You are one tough cookie! I really hope you get to spend your Spring Break with your little one. Hang tight ... we're almost there!

    By Blogger KA, at 10:17 AM  

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